Soha Ali Khan along with other celebrities attended the launch event of leading luxury haircare brand's new range. The launch event was held at a popular restaurant in Khar. Soha looked pretty in her white dress as she arrived for the event. All pictures/Yogen Shah
Soha Ali Khan speaking at the event said, "I experienced the goodness of the treatment and I'm loving how soft my hair feels. The best part about the range is that it's free from silicones, sulfates and parabens and yet leaves your hair nourished and rejuvenated!"
The haircare brand's new range inspired by the energy of nature and the power of science to reactivate the natural energy of the hair.
In picture: Soha Ali Khan and Shikha Talsania pose for the photographers at the event in Khar.
Soha Ali Khan, Shikha Talsani and other guests enjoying activities with a specially curated meditation and smoothie making session.
Adhuna Bhabani, Nishka Lulla and Ahsaas Channa were also seen enjoying the afternoon soiree among others.