Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan hoisted the tricolour with AbRam Khan. Sharing a picture, the superstar wrote, "Now the little one has made it a tradition. Hoisting of our beloved Tricolour and wishing everyone Happy Independence Day. Love to all and may our country, India prosper and all of us with it"
Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela's daughter Klin Kaara Konidela celebrated her 1st Independence Day
Upasana shared pictures on Instagram and wrote, "priceless moments with Amama & Thatha KlinKaara’s first Independence Day"
Soha shared pictures and wrote, "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake..."
Salman Khan shared a picture on Instagram and wrote, "Wishing all a very happy Independence Day …."
Kajal Aggarwal took to her Instagram handle to share a picture with her husband Gautam and wrote, "Ae mere watan ke logo wishing a very Happy Independence day"
Sara Ali Khan, dressed in a white suit and tri-coloured dupatta gives a salute, wishing all on I-Day
Jackie Shroff's heartwarming pictures with school students illuminate the spirit of patriotism and love this Independence Day
Actess Raashii Khanna took to her Instagram handle to share herself holding the Indian flag at waving it while standing on a terrace
Actor Sunny Deol who is basking in the massive success of his patriotic film 'Gadar 2' celebrated the day with the Indian army at Mhow
The actor also visited the Infantry Research Centre and Museum, sharing valuable moments with Jawans and their families
Giving a strong message on unity in diversity, Farah Khan shared a picture of her triplets and wrote, "50 percent Hindu.. 25 percent Muslim.. 25 percent Parsi.. 100 percent INDIAN"
Sharad Kelkar also posted a picture of himself posing with the Indian tricolour while wishing fellow citizens