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Jada Smith's mother did drugs during daughter's childhood

Updated on: 15 May,2012 09:08 AM IST  | 

American actress Jada Pinkett Smith's mother says she took drugs until her daughter was a teenager.

Jada Smith's mother did drugs during daughter's childhood

Jada is the wife of Hollywood star Will Smith and her mother, Adrienne Banfield, said that she was not a good mother in a video chat with the actress's daughter, Willow, 11, reported Contactmusic.

Jada Pinkett Smith

"I had mommy (Jada) when I was very young and then I got addicted to drugs after mommy was born. It was a very difficult time for us growing up with her and Jada did not have the kind of life that you have now.

"I was on drugs until your mom was like 17 or 18-years-old. That is a long time," she said in the video. Jada assured her mother saying she did not hold any resentment towards her.

"I don't look at the experience that we had as bad. I turned all of that into power. So I used those things as motivation." The video, called 'Red Table Talks', was made by Will Smith's production company Overbrook Entertainment and was posted online for Mother's Day.u00a0

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