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How Triantos Went From Zero To An Eight-Figure Company All By Himself

Updated on: 08 September,2020 01:14 PM IST  |  Mumbai
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Now, 8Food is an eight-figure company with its own distribution network.

How Triantos Went From Zero To An Eight-Figure Company All By Himself

Peter Triantos

Peter started his entrepreneurial journey at twenty-one years old when he bought a run-down of the chicken grill bar, which later went on to open five more stores. In 2007, Peter decided to jump into the food manufacturing industry and invested three million dollars into infrastructure. 8Food was started, and it shook up the condiment industry! The amount of traction that 8Food received worried its competitors to the extent where they waged a price war against Peter’s company. This led to financial distress and the loss of his family home.

In 2007, Peter Triantos decided to move into food manufacturing, and invested three million dollars into infrastructure to shake up the condiment sauce space! When 8Food started, the big names in the market were not ready for this sort of competition, the amount of traction that Peter’s new venture was gaining threatened them. This led to a price war that tested Triantos’ financial strength and left him in a mess, and he lost his family home. This still did not stop Peter from bouncing back; he managed to hold onto his business, change his tactics, and started servicing stores directly rather than engaging with distributors.

Now, 8Food is an eight-figure company with its own distribution network. They have in place one of the industry’s most well developed and highly effective food safety and quality assurance programs with FSSC2200 accreditation.

When asked about what advice he would give to the younger generation, Peter said that his biggest concern is ‘bad friends’ - he further explained that they lead you to negative experiences which hurt your future. Additionally, he said that on the business side, the most important piece of advice he can give is to keep going. Most businesses fail because people give up at the infancy stage.

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