It's time to stop complaining about your bhaajiwala not giving you the freshest of greens, the lack of nutrients in your meals or the amount of pesticides being used by most farmers.
It's time to stop complaining about your bhaajiwala not giving you the freshest of greens, the lack of nutrients in your meals or the amount of pesticides being used by most farmers. Why not try growing your own vegetables instead? One Mrs Obama had already made it a rage in the US by digging up the White House.
Learn the basics of growing herbs and vegetables in the city by attending this interactive workshop on home gardening. You can learn what kind of soil suits what plants, which pots help grow a plant better, plants and vegetables that will grow best in the coming months and, most important of all, watering techniques for different plants. Imagine the pleasure of seasoning a pizza or a sandwich with you home grown herb. All you have to do is carry along a small container and start farming!
When: Today, 5 pm to 7 pm
Where: Fourth floor, Candelar Building, 26, St John Baptist Road, near Mount Mary Steps, Bandra (W).
Call: 32220475
Entry: Rs 200