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Shall we dance?

Updated on: 14 February,2011 08:04 AM IST  | 
The FYI Team |

CS +ve speaks to Dhruv Bhandari of the Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji fame to know more about his fitness regime

Shall we dance?

CS +ve speaks to Dhruv Bhandari of the Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji fame to know more about his fitness regime:

>>u00a0My daily dose: I eat healthy and small meals throughout the day and try to workout three-four times a week. I balance my workouts with cardio and weight training.

>>u00a0Dance mania: Dance is a great way of staying in shape because you sweat a lot and that takes care of your cardio. It also makes your body flexible.

>>u00a0Dancing to fitness: Every dance form involves a lot of movement makes for a great exercise. For me it's salsa, street jazz and Bollywood.

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