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Meet this internationally recognised spiritual healer from India

Updated on: 09 November,2021 03:38 PM IST  |  Mumbai
BrandMedia | [email protected]

Meet Syed Ehraz Ahmed, who is a 37-year old spiritual healer. Belonging to the family of Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W), Syed Ehraz Ahmed is the direct descendent of Prophet Mohammed (SAW)

Meet this internationally recognised spiritual healer from India

Syed Ehraz Ahmed

Though science doesn’t talk about demons, black magic, and evil-eye; these energies do have some presence in the universe. Many cultures and religions even mention them. A lot of people are troubled by these problems. So, how do you plan to get rid of evil-eye or black magic? Not really sure? Well, there can be various solutions.

Meet Syed Ehraz Ahmed, who is a 37-year old spiritual healer. Belonging to the family of Holy Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W), Syed Ehraz Ahmed is the direct descendent of Prophet Mohammed (SAW). His aim is to help people struggling with spiritual issues and avoid them getting conned by a lot of fake and greedy people who claim to perform spiritual healing.

Relics and family history

Syed Ehraz’s family was invited by Mughal Emperor Shahjahan in the 17th century from Medina modern-day Saudi Arabia, his family was entrusted with the responsibility of safekeeping the holy relics of the noble Prophet and his family.

Lectures on Sufism and spiritual healing across the world

He has been travelling extensively for the past 5-6 years visiting various countries, including the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey, South Africa, Morocco, Uzbekistan etc. During these visits, Syed Ehraz Ahmed tries to bring them close to spirituality.

NGO and charitable trust

Syed runs various NGOs and charitable trusts in India. The aim is to help the economically weaker section of the society that lives in remote and rural parts of the country. His NGO, Syed Ehraz Foundation, is the sole Indian NGO that helped Syrian refugees on the Turkey and Syria border, besides doing various charitable activities in different countries of Africa. 

The social work doesn’t end here, Syed’s NGOs prepare one time meal every day for thousands of people during Ramadan. In 2021 Ramadan, when the covid pandemic was at its peak in India, they provided free food to more than 30,000 people. They also arrange daily essentials for almost 50,000 people living in Indian villages. Other such social acts are carried out by their NGOs not just in India but in other countries as well.

Syed is well-acknowledged internationally. He has been visited by various international prominent figures like Jeff Bezos (owner of Amazon), Justin Trudeau,Canadian prime minister, John Key, Prime minister of New Zealand, the deputy PM of Malaysia, various Sultans and members of the Royal family in various countries and many others prominent figures.

Syed Ehraz Ahmed has one aim, and that is to financially and spiritually guide people. He wants to unite the people of the entire world under the banner of Sufism and spirituality irrespective of Religion, Caste, Colour, Race or creed and help them in every possible way. His lectures and talks play a key role in educating the new generations to know Sufism and spirituality more closely and precisely.

To reach a broader audience and give the message of peace and humanity, Syed Ehraz also appears on various radio and TV shows in many countries. This way, he interacts with a wide range of audiences to impart peace in society.

The foundation is also working towards nation-building and instilling the feeling of patriotism and nationality in the young generation.

Syed Ehraz Ahmed holds a Master’s Degree in English and is currently writing a thesis on Spiritual Healing and aims to get a Doctorate in the said Field.






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