Dear Diana, My girlfriend and I decided to part ways recently. It was her decision as she felt that I have an anger management problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous because I’m not that kind of person and nor have I ever lost my temper in her presence. I still like her a lot and would love to reconcile. But at the same time, I can’t bring myself to accept that she could think this way.
— Arbaaz
Dear Arbaaz,
Looks like your girl needed an excuse to call off the relationship. She was sick and tired of you. May be — or maybe not — she had annoyed you causing you to snap. And now she seems to be blaming you. If what you are saying is true, it’s ridiculous of her to make such a big issue out of it. Everyone at some point vents his or her ire. Remember it is the stupidity of the other person sometimes that can make you lose your cool. There is no point trying to patch up. Let her be. She appears to be an insecure psycho, you are better off without her. Time will heal your broken heart.u00a0
Diana will solve it!
Write to Diana at [email protected], or fax her on 24150009. You can also post letters to Dear Diana, Mid Day, Peninsula Centre, Dr S S Rao Road, opp Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012