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50 pc single women have sex with exes while looking for new love

Updated on: 01 November,2012 09:43 AM IST  | 

Almost half of single women have regularly had sex with an ex boyfriend while looking for a new lover, a shocking new survey has revealed

50 pc single women have sex with exes while looking for new love

The poll of 1,000 men and women found that the majority of girls who resort to sex with the ex do so because they “miss physical intimacy,” the Daily Mail reported.

Sex and Relationships, 50 pc single women have sex with exes while looking for new love

A further 31 percent admitted it was because they hoped to reignite a relationship with a former flame.

An additional 43 percent of women also admitted to regularly sleeping with an ex while on the lookout for a new partner. An even higher 47 percent of men confessed to doing the same.

And they aren’t alone. A-listers Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher famously reunited after their divorce before going their separate ways again, as did Cheryl Cole and her former husband, Chelsea footballer, Ashley.

Dating site which conducted the research said that the top five reasons for getting back into bed with an ex-partner also included having too much to drink, flirting on Facebook and other social media sites, and bumping into each other on a night out.

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