Bored with dating apps? Try something different. You can speed date singles offline at an event organised this Saturday. All you need to do is be polite, not ask awkward questions and be at your best for eight minutes
Bored with dating apps? Try something different. You can speed date singles offline at an event organised this Saturday. All you need to do is be polite, not ask awkward questions and be at your best for eight minutes.
Organisers won't share details of a couple unless they like each other. At the event, the tables will be numbered. There will be a host conducting the session and everyone will have a scorecard to note down the table number and the candidate's first name. After eight minutes, a bell will ring when the person will move to the next table. One can note down a yes or a no in the scorecard, like a left or right swipe on Tinder.
Eight minutes isn't a lot of time but is good enough to assess if you want to meet the person again. Participants will receive an email a day later about mutual matches. The age limit is 22 to 36 years and girls have a one plus one offer on drinks.