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Imtiaz Ali to judge a short film contest

Updated on: 12 January,2016 08:23 AM IST  | 
Dhara Vora |

Filmmaker Imtiaz Ali turns judge with a new short film contest

Imtiaz Ali to judge a short film contest

Imtiaz Ali

Video entertainment mobile app, NexGTV is inviting aspiring filmmakers to upload short videos on the platform as part of a contest called SPOTLight. Filmmaker Imtiaz Ali will judge the top five viewed videos each month, and select one entry for a grand prize of '1 lakh. Edited excerpts from the interview:

Imtiaz Ali

Q. How has the Internet and social media revolutionised filmmaking?
A. The digital revolution has taken filmmaking into a different space. The number of people watching audio-visual content on mobile devices has risen; there’ll be a constant demand for content on smaller devices. It’s a great opportunity for young filmmakers. I will try and act as facilitator.

Q. What do you feel are the pros and cons?
A. Over exposure has both, positive and negative sides to it. Also, there is no way to restrict online content. A lot of adult content and violence is floating around, which kids are exposed to at an early age. A positive aspect is the availability of knowledge at your fingertips. You don’t need to ask people if you aren’t sure about anything. You can choose what you consume online.

Q. In what way do you flex your filmmaking techniques for feature and short films?
A. Short films today are created to view on a small device. So the image and sound pattern has to be clean, such that it would be clear to a person watching it in a crowded bus. THe more short and spicy the content, the better.

Q. What will you be looking for as judge?
A. I am looking for talent. One can make a short fiction, comic or a jugglery video — anything that can entertain and has potential.

Q. Is India opening up to short filmmakers?
A. Definitely. When you don’t follow a filmmaker that much and look at his film, you are looking at the art and not the name. If you are new, content is what matters.

Q. Tips for aspiring filmmakers...
A. Make exactly what you would enjoy seeing.

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