Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan inaugurated Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Mumbai. Smita Thackeray conceptualised and created the Mukkti Cultural Hub in Model Town in Andheri West because she felt there was a dearth of cultural hubs in the western suburbs of Mumbai
Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan talked about his bond with the Thackeray family. Speaking at the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub, he said, "I thank Smita (Thackeray) for inviting me here. I have family connections with Smita ji's family. Balasaheb called me when me and Jaya (Bachchan) got married. The way 'aai' (mother) welcomed Jaya in her house, it seemed as if her own daughter-in-law has come."
Smita Thackeray said, "Andheri does not have many multi-use spaces for artistic and cultural expression. Mukkti Cultural Hub will cater to the needs of people in Performing Arts and we are hoping for it become the hub of entertainment in the suburbs."
Sanjay Dutt's wife Maanayata Dutt attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Yashraj Films Casting director Shanoo Sharma attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Theatre personality Dolly Thakore attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Television actor Gautam Rode with wife Pankhuri Awasthi attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Actor and anchor Shekhar Suman attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Singer Sonu Nigam attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Producer Guneet Monga attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Singer Ila Arun attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Actor Makarand Deshpande attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Producer Indra Kumar attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai
Director Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra attended the inauguration of Mukkti Cultural Hub by filmmaker Smita Thackeray in Model Town, Andheri, Mumbai