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Mumbai: A new sound of music gig at Andheri West

Updated on: 19 December,2018 09:00 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Snigdha Hasan |

An evening of new-age music to blend orchestral and electronic tunes, and give listeners an insight into the genre by breaking down a composition

Mumbai: A new sound of music gig at Andheri West

(From left) Suraaj Parab, Sandeep Thakur and Devansh Bhatia aka Dawgeek

A bassist in the film industry since 2013, Suraaj Parab decided to shift gears last year when he started taking piano lessons to add to his repertoire. For the Mumbai-based musician who counts Greek composer Yanni, Icelandic multi-instrumentalist Ólafur Arnalds and Italian pianist Ludovico Eeinaudi among his influences, the piecemeal fashion in which Bollywood songs are recorded was somewhat different from his idea of playing music.

Taking his love for world music forward, he found comfort in a new-age genre that blends orchestral and electronic tunes, and joined hands with violinist Sandeep Thakur and EDM producer Devansh Bhatia aka DawGeek, who shared his musical sensibilities. The trio is coming together this Sunday for a performance called Voyage.

"Over the last year, I have written 12 original compositions. One of them was released as a single in September, while another that we'll perform on Sunday is yet to be released. It's an ongoing journey, that's why the name Voyage," informs Parab. The compositions are inspired by real life. The song Her, for instance, draws from a relationship, which though short-lived, motivated Parab to pursue his passion for music. "Our music will be accompanied by visuals to convey the mood, and help listeners connect with it," he adds.

"But we don't just want people to come in, listen to us and leave," shares Parab. To give the audience a peek into how the music is created, the artistes also plan to break down one of the compositions. "So, you'll get to see the orchestral and electronic strands of our music separately to know what they sound like in isolation and how it all changes when they come together," he says.

On December 23, 7 pm
At Studio Tamaasha, Andheri West.
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