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Understand and train your cat better by signing up for this expert talk in Mumbai

Updated on: 01 March,2023 10:45 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Nandini Varma | [email protected]

A talk by a cat behaviourist will help you get to know your four-legged friend better

Understand and train your cat better by signing up for this expert talk in Mumbai

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As cat parents, one is often thinking about what they can do better and what they can avoid doing to give their kitties the best home. If you are especially new to nursing and taking care of cats, you may be daunted at first by the task of understanding their behaviour and requirements. How do they display affection? How do you know they trust you? What does your cat mean when it purrs or meows?

Shirin DhabharShirin Dhabhar

One of India’s pioneering animal care organisations, Canines Can Care, who are experts in dog training, are set to organise a talk for cat parents to answer these questions. The talk will be delivered by Italian cat behaviourist Laura Borromeo, who has studied and documented feline body language for more than two decades. This is the first time that Borromeo will be speaking in India and sharing her knowledge with cat lovers, cat parents, and aspiring ethologists. Among other things, she will address the requirements to ensure physical and mental wellbeing of adult indoor living cats, the importance of their socialisation, and the solutions that can help deal with common indoor cat problems.

Shirin Dhabhar, founder of Canines Can Care, recognised a growth in the number of people who kept cats as their pets, particularly during the pandemic. While dog owners may be higher in number, they are also much well-versed in the right responses to their dogs than new cat parents. Dhabhar shares, “There is a huge gap in the knowledge of cat training. Even if cats are feral or stray, and one doesn’t own them, felines show behaviour patterns and they need to be understood.” To fill this gap, she has invited her friend, Borromeo, for the talk.

Laura Borromeo
Laura Borromeo

During her stay in India, Borromeo will also offer a five-day advanced course in cat behaviour. The curriculum ranges from studying the period of growth in cats to caring for elderly felines and identifying signs of ageing. There is a workshop lined up for cat handling for vets, later in the month, too.

On: March 4; 5 pm
At: Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Vile Parle West
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Cost: Rs 1,500

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