The Chatushringi police arrested a 21-year-old former employee of automobile company for committing theft of Rs 2.83 lakh.
The accused has been identified as Avinash Kadam, a Wakad resident who hails from Sangali.u00a0According to police, the account manager of the showroom had lodged the complaint on Saturday. “We saw footage of all CCTV cameras installed in the showroom. While screening of the footage, we found one person trying to open the cupboard. However, as the video quality was poor, his face could not be identified,” said PSI Mahesh Bolkotgi of the Chatushringi police station.
The cops then showed the footage to other employees, who told the police that person in the video resembled Kadam. The suspicious grew thicker when they realised that they had seen him in the showroom premise on the eve of the incident.
“We checked the details of the former employees and got his number and address. A team then went to Sangali and nabbed him. He told cops that he was jobless and was facing financial crunch. That the reason he committed robbery,” said Bolkotgi.
During interrogation, Kadam explained how he sneaked inside the showroom and came out with being getting noticed. “On evening of October 19, just when the guards were about to close the showroom, he sneaked inside and hid in the washroom. When everybody had left, he came out and stole the amount from the accounts department. When the guards opened the showroom the next morning, he furtively escaped,” Bolkotgi said.