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2-year-old lost and found at ST stand

Updated on: 12 September,2012 07:51 AM IST  | 
A Correspondent |

Day after going missing, boy spotted with unknown woman at Shivajinagar bus stand

2-year-old lost and found at ST stand

A two-year-old boy missing since Monday was found in the arms of an unknown woman yesterday at the Shivajinagar ST bus stand, the very place where his mother had lost him.

Abir Sandip Joshi was spotted by his maternal uncle Sushil Joshi with the woman, later identified as Savita Subhash Nagarkar (50), a resident of Talegaon Dabhade.u00a0

Back with mom: Abir Joshi

Police Inspector Seema Mehendale of the Shivajinagar police station said a case was registered against Nagarkar under Section 363 (kidnapping) of the IPC, but added that the woman did not ill treat the child.

“Investigations are on to determine whether a child kidnapping racket was involved,” Mehendale said. Abir’s mother Smita, a resident of Aurangabad who had come to the city for some days to visit her brother, was at the ST stand on Monday afternoon to catch a bus home when she lost the child.

“I realised my son was missing when I reached the entrance gate of the ST stand, after which we immediately filed a missing complaint at the Shivajinagar police station,” Smita said.

She said she and her relatives spent a sleepless night looking for Abir and the search continued till the toddler was finally found yesterday afternoon. She said Abir told her that “grandmother” had given him a free ride in a train.u00a0

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