Businessman Dinesh Satyanarayan Bharuka, who runs Om Sairam Steel Pvt Ltd in Jalna and had managed to give CBI officers the slip on Friday in a high-profile bribery case, surrendered before the CBI on Sunday night
Businessman Dinesh Satyanarayan Bharuka, who runs Om Sairam Steel Pvt Ltd in Jalna and had managed to give CBI officers the slip on Friday in a high-profile bribery case, surrendered before the CBI on Sunday night.
The development came after the CBI arrested Superintendent (Intelligence) K B Mahadik, attached with the Pune regional unit of the Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence, near the Kohinoor Estate in Wakdewadi upon catching him red-handed accepting a bribe of Rs 1.09 crore from Surinder Pitti (45) of Jalna-based steel firm S R J Pitti Pvt Ltd and Bharuka.