The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was on Tuesday allowed by a local court here to conduct narco tests on Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, parents of 14-year-old Aarushi Talwar who was found murdered in her Noida house May 16, 2008.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was on Tuesday allowed by a local court here to conduct narco tests on Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, parents of 14-year-old Aarushi Talwar who was found murdered in her Noida house May 16, 2008.
The court had Monday reserved its order on CBI's plea for narco-analysis of the Talwars in connection with the notorious case.
CBI counsel Suresh Batra had submitted an application before Judicial Magistrate (CBI) Priti Singh requesting that the bureau be allowed to conduct narco tests on Aarushi's parents.
He told the court that after a new team was formed to probe the case, certain new substantial facts have surfaced. Therefore, the narco test of the Talwars would be helpful in taking the probe forward.
Though, Satish Tamta, counsel of Rajesh and Nupur Talwar, opposed the CBI plea in court, Rajesh Talwar had said the day before: "We are ready for any tests... We are OK with it".
Aarushi Talwar was found with her throat slit and several stab wounds to her face on May 16, 2008 in her parents' house at Jalvayu Vihar in Noida, adjacent to national capital Delhi. Her dentist father Rajesh Talwar was arrested and charged with the murder of Aarushi and their domestic servant Hemraj, whose body was found the next day.
Rajesh Talwar was released when the CBI failed to file the chargesheet against him within the legally stipulated period. Then a fresh probe was ordered.