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Queer Film Fest at IIT Bombay

Updated on: 30 January,2013 09:14 AM IST  | 
A Correspondent |

One of the most prestigious institutes in India is ready for a dash of rainbow colour.

Queer Film Fest at IIT Bombay

Saathi, an LGBT student group at Indian Institute Technology (IIT) Bombay, is holding a screening of award-winning gay and lesbian films from Kashish Mumbai International Queer Film Festival at their campus as part of the ongoing Queer Azaadi Mumbai – LGBT Pride week celebrations in the city. The two day-screening to be held on January 30 and 31, 2013 aims to create awareness and sensitization on LGBTQ issues.

“Saathi is pleased to host Q’nema at IIT Bombay as a part of the Pride week for QAM. This is our first event open to the general public and we hope to continue serving the community by hosting more events and awareness drives,” said Nivvedan, a student of IITB and the main force behind Saathi.

Said Sridhar Rangayan, festival director of Kashish and an IIT alumnus himself, “In the 1980s when I was studying at IIT, there was a complete shroud of silence around this topic. I’m glad that my alma mater is now helping to raise awareness and sensitise people.”

Harish Iyer, a member of the Queer Azaadi Mumbai Collective says, “Cinema has been a reflection of society. In a nation that consumes cinema enormously, it is imperative that we use it as a medium of advocacy. I have seen more people mustering the courage to come out after watching queer themed films with their family.”

Date and time: January 30 and 31,u00a02013: 6 pm to 10 pm
Venue: P C Saxena Auditorium IIT, Powai
Open to: This is a non-ticketed event but people need to carry a Govt. or Institutional ID.u00a0

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