Congress President Sonia Gandhi's daughter Priyanka Vadra was on Wednesday discharged from the city's Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, nearly a week after she was admitted and diagnosed with dengue, said hospital authorities on Wednesday
Priyanka Gandhi
Congress President Sonia Gandhi's daughter Priyanka Vadra was on Wednesday discharged from the city's Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, nearly a week after she was admitted and diagnosed with dengue, said hospital authorities on Wednesday.
According to the doctors, she has been advised to rest at home and avoid physical exertion.
"Priyanka Vadra ji has been discharged today (Wednesday). She has recovered from dengue," said the hospital management board's Chairman D.S. Rana.
She was admitted to the hospital on August 23 and her treatment was being monitored by chest medicine consultant Arup Basu, who is also the doctor to Sonia Gandhi.