Former Minister of External Affairs and veteran BJP leader Sushma Swaraj's condolence meeting was held on August 9, 2019, four days after the 67-year-old politician passed away after suffering a cardiac arrest. The condolence meet, which is also known as 'Uthawani' ceremony was attended by Manohar Lal Khattar, Kiran Bedi, Shabana Azmi, Jagat Prakash Nadda to name a few.
Besides politicians and Bollywood celebs, the prayer meeting was attended by friends, family, and well-wishers who thronged in large numbers to pay tribute to late Sushma Swaraj.
Bollywood actress Shabana Azmi, Puducherry Lt Governor Kiran Bedi, and few other prominent personalities were seen getting emotional as they came to pay homage to the Former Minister of External Affairs, late Sushma Swaraj.
Former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's daughter Namita Bhattacharya offers her condolence to Bansuri Swaraj, daughter of Sushma Swaraj, during the Uthawani ceremony held at New Delhi.
Manohar Lal Khattar, Chief Minister of Haryana also came in for the prayer meeting as he paid homage to late Sushma Swaraj during the latter's condolence meeting on Friday in New Delhi.
Jagat Prakash Nadda, the working President of the Bharatiya Janta Party pays homage to former External Affairs Minister and BJP leader Sushma Swaraj during the Uthwani ceremony held at New Delhi.
Bollywood actress Shabana Azmi shares a warm hug with Sushma Swaraj's daughter Bansuri Swaraj during the condolence meeting held at New Delhi on Friday.
Puducherry Lt. Governor Kiran Bedi offers her condolences to Swaraj Kaushal, husband of former external affairs minister and BJP leader, late Sushma Swaraj during the 'Uthawani' ceremony held at New Delhi.
While addressing the solemn ceremony, Bansuri Swaraj, daughter of late Sushma Swaraj got emotional as she recalled fond memories of her mother. Recalling how a lot of people experienced and felt Sushma Swaraj's motherly love, Bansuri, while addressing the audience, said that she was blessed to be her daughter.
In pic: A group of artists perform during the 'Uthawani' ceremony of former external affairs minister, late Sushma Swaraj in New Delhi on Friday.
Sushma Swaraj's last rites were performed by her daughter Bansuri Swaraj. Swaraj was cremated with full state honours at Lodhi crematorium in New Delhi. In the pic, Bansuri Swaraj immerses her mother's ashes in River Ganga, in Hapur district of Uttar Pradesh.
In pic: Ajay Bisaria, Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan pays tribute to former external affairs minister and BJP leader, late Sushma Swaraj in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar addresses a condolence meeting in the memory of former external affairs minister and BJP leader, late Sushma Swaraj.
In pic: Members of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs observe silence as they attend a condolence meeting in memory of former external affairs minister, late Sushma Swaraj in New Delhi.