Readers condemn the attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore
Readers condemn the attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahoreu00a0u00a0
The attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore needs to be condemned by nations across the globe. It vindicates the stand taken by our government by not sending the Indian team tou00a0 tour Pakistan.
This decision was condemned by the Pakistani government as well as several former cricketers. Imran Khan had said with a lot of confidence that terrorists would never target the game of cricket. But the terrorists sprung a surprise on Tuesday. It's clear that terrorists do not pick and choose; they have only one aim to spread violence.u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0
The time has come to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. The nation is not safe for its own citizens, leave alone foreigners and international cricket teams.
This audacious attack on the Lankan team is a reminder of the 1972 Munich Olympics, where Palestinian terrorists killed several Israeli athletes. Tuesday's incident raises questions about the security provided to the visiting team. Considering the situation, it would not be safe to send any international sports persons to Pakistan.
The Sri Lankan and Pakistan cricket boards may be suffering from au00a0 financial crisis, but earning a few bucks at the cost of precious lives is not worth it. Sports authorities throughout the world should henceforth be on high alert.u00a0u00a0u00a0
It was a shocking to hear that the Sri Lankan cricket team was attacked by terrorists in Lahore on Tuesday. This attack at the heels of repeated assurances by the Pakistani government about how stringent measures were being taken to deal with terrorists operating from their soil. They should be ashamed that a visiting team was attacked amidst such tight security.
Cricket-playing nations around the world should boycott Pakistan and the ICC should permanently ban the country from holding any international matches. Also, the Indian government should now stop talks with Pakistan and break all ties with them.
After this incident, it can be rightly said that the Gentleman's Game is now under threat of terrorists. Before it spreads its roots, we should make sure terrorism is wiped out completely.u00a0 Countries across the world need to be on a high alert.
The attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Lahore will be remembered by cricket lovers as a BLACK DAY. This premeditated attack has sent shock waves across the cricketing world and should be condemned by one and all. The Pakistan government has failed miserably in dealing with security concerns in their nation.
Not only should the Pakistan Cricket Board and their government apologise to the Sri Lankan government, they should also take corrective measures immediately.u00a0 They need tou00a0 root out this deep-rooted problem that haunts the subcontinent in totality, so such incidents are not repeated.
Enough has been said, but hardly anything has been done about Pakistan's involvement in terrorist activities. The question that arises is: Should the world embargo Pakistan?
After the Lahore attack, sports persons will not visit Pakistan for at least two to three years. Pakistan can forget about hosting the World Cup now. The Pakistani government must wake up and take some strong steps to wipe out terrorism. Merely condemning the terror attacks will not help.u00a0u00a0u00a0u00a0