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Europe reports first swine flu death

Updated on: 15 June,2009 08:20 AM IST  | 

The first swine flue death in Europe was reported in Scotland, a government spokesman said Sunday in Glasgow.

Europe reports first swine flu death

The first swine flue death in Europe was reported in Scotland, a government spokesman said Sunday in Glasgow.

The patient, who died in hospital, had underlying health conditions and was one one of ten people who were being treated for swine flu in hospital in Scotland, the government spokesman said.

For all of Britain, the total of infections has reached at least 1,250 cases. The Scottish government has tallied a total of 498 cases of the influenza virus (H1N1) to date, including another 35 cases reported Sunday.

Family members of the swine flu victim asked that further details not be released, to allow them time to mourn. The name of the hospital was not released, but it was reportedly a clinic in Glasgow.

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