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Strong earthquake in Chile, no known damage or injuries

Updated on: 20 June,2015 11:57 AM IST  | 

A strong earthquake has been registered off the coast of southern Chile, but the country's National Emergency Office said there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries

Strong earthquake in Chile, no known damage or injuries

Santiago: A strong earthquake has been registered off the coast of southern Chile, but the country's National Emergency Office said there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The Chilean Navy's Hydrography and Oceanography Service said there were no signs of a possible tsunami in the wake of the temblor late on Friday.

The US Geological Service said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.4. It was reported at about 10:06 pm EDT and had a depth of about 10 kilometres. The epicentre was about 88 kilometres northwest of Concepcion, and about 430 kilometres southwest of the capital of Santiago.

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