One person was killed and 22 others were hurt in a train collision in the central Austrian state of Styria on Monday, media reported
Rescuers at the site where two passenger trains collided in Niklasdorf, central Austria. At least one person died and 22 were injured in the accident that happened a little before 1 pm (1200 GMT) at Niklasdorf station in Styria province. The cause of the crash has yet to be determined. / AFP PHOTO
One person was killed and 22 others were hurt in a train collision in the central Austrian state of Styria on Monday, media reported. The two passenger trains collided in the Niklasdorf municipality near the town of Leoben around midday, for reasons yet unknown, reports Xinhua. They were supposed to have passed by one another, but instead struck each other side-on.
The result left the entire side of one carriage torn off, which subsequently contained the highest number of injured people.
The deceased passenger was a female, while 22 others, including three children, were reported to have had slight injuries.
The injured were taken to hospitals in the area.
The rail line was reported to have been closed for an unspecified period of time. Authorities have already begun investigating the cause of the accident.
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