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French league slams FIFA over release of Messi, Neymar

Updated on: 27 August,2021 07:38 AM IST  |  Paris
AP , PTI |

The Italian and English top flight leagues are also upset about FIFA’s decision to not extend exceptions for call-ups to countries where quarantine upon re-entry is mandatory

French league slams FIFA over release of Messi, Neymar

Lionel Messi and Neymar. Pics/AFP

The French Professional Football League (LFP) shared the regrets expressed by other European leagues over FIFA’s handling of September’s World Cup qualifiers in South America. 

The Italian and English top flight leagues are also upset about FIFA’s decision to not extend exceptions for call-ups to countries where quarantine upon re-entry is mandatory. 

“The LFP regrets that FIFA has failed to take into account the interests of national leagues nor those of the clubs that employ the players,” the French 
league said. 

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