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Canada pulls out of Olympics as Japan's PM says delay 'inevitable'

Updated on: 24 March,2020 07:38 AM IST  |  Tokyo

Meanwhile, Canada highlighted the dangers to the broader community as they became the first team to withdraw from the Olympics and Paralympics.

Canada pulls out of Olympics as Japan's PM says delay 'inevitable'

Japan's PM Shinzo Abe

Canada pulled out of the Tokyo Olympics over Coronavirus fears as Japan's prime minister on Monday admitted a delay may be "inevitable" and the International Olympic Committee said a decision should come within weeks.

Australia also told its athletes to prepare for a Tokyo Olympics in 2021 as expectations grew that the Games—scheduled to start on July 24—would be postponed. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told parliament that Japan was still committed to a "complete" Games, but added: "If that becomes difficult, in light of considering athletes first, it may become inevitable that we make a decision to postpone."

Meanwhile, Canada highlighted the dangers to the broader community as they became the first team to withdraw from the Olympics and Paralympics. "This is not solely about athlete health—it is about public health," the Canadian Olympic Committee said. "With COVID-19, it is not safe for our athletes."

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