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Receiving Presidential Medal of Freedom is a huge honour: Simone Biles

Updated on: 11 July,2022 07:56 AM IST  |  Mumbai
A Correspondent |

The White House confirmed she was selected for her achievements in gymnastics and for being a campaigner for mental health and victims of sexual assault

Receiving Presidential Medal of Freedom is a huge honour: Simone Biles

US President Joe Biden presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Simone Biles

American gymnast Simone Biles is elated to receive America’s Presidential Medal of Freedom. Biles, 25, became the youngest person in history to receive the honour. 

On July 7, Biles, who has won a combined total of 32 Olympic and World Championship medals, received the honour from President Joe Biden.

The White House confirmed she was selected for her achievements in gymnastics and for being a campaigner for mental health and victims of sexual assault.

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Speaking at the ceremony in Washington DC, Simone told reporters: “It’s kind of scary because it is the best award you can receive for your whole life so now it’s kind of scary like, ‘Oh, what do I do now?’ But it’s a huge honour. I’m excited to be here especially with my family, my agents [and] all the other recipients.”

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