What women actually think of their bodies

06 July,2012 10:25 AM IST |   |  ANI

Women are suffering from an epidemic of insecurity about their bodies, a shocking new poll has revealed

According to the poll conducted by a website, 59 percent women said they have negative thoughts about their looks at least four times a day, while half feel guilty at least some of the time after eating.

Sex and relationships, What women actually think of their bodies

Worryingly, one quarter of women would take it as a compliment if someone told us we looked too thin, reports a major newspaper.

The exclusive survey also found that many women blame "women" for making them worry about weight.

45 percent said it was their own gender rather than men who made them feel like they have to be thin.

The survey of 1,831 women across the UK also revealed that a vast 74 percent believe society - general portrayal of the image of beauty is currently too thin.

However, almost half (42 percent) of the respondents claimed that in reality, a size 12 is "perfect".

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