Rainbow adorns the Mumbai skyline

Rainbow adorns the Mumbai skyline

Pradeep Dhivar

By Sanjana Deshpande
Published Aug 28, 2023
On Monday, a rainbow adorned the city skyline which seemed like a visual delight to beat the blues for Mumbaikars

Oh Rainbow!

On Monday, a rainbow adorned the city skyline which seemed like a visual delight to beat the blues for Mumbaikars

Pradeep Dhivar

Against the clouds and expanse of tall buildings of the city, shimmered the rainbow atop Mumbai`s skyline

Rainbow in cloudy sky

Against the clouds and expanse of tall buildings of the city, shimmered the rainbow atop Mumbai`s skyline

Pradeep Dhivar

It seemed to originate from the Arabian sea and descend into the Taj Hotel that overlooks Gateway of India

Rainbow across cityscape

It seemed to originate from the Arabian sea and descend into the Taj Hotel that overlooks Gateway of India

Pradeep Dhivar


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Horoscope today: August 28, 2023

A rare sight

Rainbows in Mumbai are a rare sight

Pradeep Dhivar

Last spotted

A similar sight had unfolded at Worli Koliwada nearly three years ago as city was returning to normalcy after a lockdown

Pradeep Dhivar

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