What`s in Kubbra Sait`s bag?
Raj Patil and Manjeet Thakur
Kubbra`s bag
Actress Kubbra Sait joins mid-day.com`s `What`s in my Bag.` Find out what`s in her make-up pouch, which book she is reading and her thoughts about tiny bags.
Raj Patil and Manjeet Thakur
Make-up pouch
Kubbra carries blush, make-up applicator and lipstick in her make-up pouch.
Raj Patil
Mint to the rescue
Kubbra says it`s important to not have bad breath, whether you are meeting a friend, a date or just being by yourself
Raj Patil and Manjeet Thakur
Other essentials
Lip balm and cuticle oil are part of the other essential products that the actress carries.
Raj Patil and Manjeet Thakur
Tiny bags
Kubbra shares an incident where she was given a `cupcake sized` bag to carry with her outfit, that served no purpose
Raj Patil and Manjeet Thakur
Watch video
Watch the complete video on mid-day`s Youtube page to find out whatelse Kubbra Sait carries in her bag
Raj Patil and Manjeet Thakur