Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar's racing team secured the third place at the Dubai 24H 2025 race on Sunday. The actor and his team Ajith Kumar Racing participated in the intensely contested Porsche 992 class along with his teammates Mathieu Detry, Fabian Duffieux and Cameron McLeod. Let's take a look at the team's winning moments and some snapshots from the race.
13 January,2025 06:45 PM IST | Bahni BandyopadhyayDiljit Dosanjh made waves in the country with his Dil-Luminati tour across cities in India. The tour which began in New Delhi on October 26 culminated in his hometown Ludhiana on New Year's eve. During his tour, he also turned tourists in different cities giving a glimpse of India's diversity
02 January,2025 02:14 PM IST | Athulya NambiarYearender 2024: This year has been full of controversies. More than any event, there are people who have made more headlines. From Salman Khan grabbing attention for all the death threats, Shalini Passi catching eyeballs for her hilarious one-liners, to Rupaly Gangli’s rift with her stepdaughters, here are all the controversies celebrities have made this year.
07 December,2024 07:37 PM IST | Shachi ChaturvediReliance Foundation hosted United in Triumph on Sunday, a glittering celebration of sports under the visionary leadership of Nita Ambani at their residence in Antilia, Mumbai.The evening honoured the unifying spirit of sports by bringing together 140 Olympians and Paralympians for the first time under one roof, celebrating their success and remarkable journeys with a focus on unity and inclusivity (All Pics/Yogen Shah)
30 September,2024 02:13 PM IST | Athulya NambiarThe Ambani family do everything on a grand scale- whether it is weddings or festivals. The richest family in India know a thing or two about opulence and the past weekend saw the family welcome and bid adieu to Bappa in a grand manner. After hosting celebs for Ganesh puja on Saturday, they bid adieu to the Lord on Sunday. Take a look at the pictures here (All Pics/Yogen Shah)
09 September,2024 11:05 AM IST | Athulya NambiarADVERTISEMENT