Aamir Khan-starrer suspense thriller 'Taalash' has made it to the Rs 100 crore club. The film has raked in Rs 131.78 crore worldwide
The film, directed by Reema Kagti, and co-produced by Farhan Akhtar-Ritesh Sidhwani's Excel Entertaiment and Aamir Khan Productions, earned Rs 85.38 crore at the domestic box office within 13 days of its release, Nov 30.
The film has grossed Rs 46.40 crore overseas. 'Talaash' also features Rani Mukerji and Kareena Kapoor.
It was made on a budget of Rs 40 crore, and released across 2,500 screens. Its satellite rights were sold for Rs 40 crore.u00a0