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Harman Baweja's poker phase

Updated on: 07 January,2011 08:15 AM IST  | 
Tushar Joshi |

Places second in the India Poker Championship but says he won't pursue the game seriously

Harman Baweja's poker phase

Places second in the India Poker Championship but says he won't pursue the game seriously

Harman Baweja stood second in the recently held India Poker Championship (IPC) in Goa. However, the actor took part in the tournament just to enjoy the game at the behest of a friend.

Talking about his love for poker Harman says, "I was in Goa for a friend's birthday and we got to know about the IPC being held around the same time.

Harman Baweja receiving his award

My friend Sameer suggested I participate in the tournament. Even though initially I was apprehensive I decided to take part just for the fun of it."

While he sat for the game with a casual attitude, he soon got involved in it as the hands progressed. "Yes, I did want to win when I started playing.

I think when you play any game the intention is to win it. So it felt great when I was playing contenders and winning rounds.
My stack kept growing bigger and in the end I had to play opposite the finalist and finish second."

Is he a serious player? "Not really. I picked up poker recently and am not sure my mom would like to know about it!

I have friends who are experts at the game and even play it online on their Facebook accounts. I don't think I would like to pursue it seriously, as I play it recreationally."

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