Completing 25 years in Bollywood, Be Happy star Abhishek Bachchan reflects on his changing choice of films and listening to social media chatter as it’s the common man’s voice
Abhishek Bachchan; (right) A still from Be Happy
One would assume that Abhishek Bachchan would mark his 25th year in the movies with a big-ticket film. Instead, the actor is kicking off the year with Prime Video’s Be Happy, director Remo D’Souza’s film about dance, rhythm, and joy. Today, he finds joy in fronting small films with a big heart. Does he know who he is as an artiste now more than ever before? “I don’t think any artiste ever knows who they are,” smiles Bachchan.
His pursuit of heartfelt stories is evident in his last many offerings—from Manmarziyaan (2018) to I Want to Talk (2024). Reflecting on his choices, he says, “As human beings, we grow. What we liked doing 10 years ago may have changed today. The reason to do a film today is that you gravitate towards it. You might not, six months down the line. It’s important for an actor to continuously learn. I have a great example of an 83-year-old [Amitabh Bachchan] back home who is still learning. I’ve always worked from the heart. Sometimes, it worked for me, and other times, it didn’t. I’m proud of every film that I’ve done, whether it has been accepted or not because I’ve learnt from each.”
Today, when the industry is going through a rough patch, actors say it’s a difficult time for movies. Bachchan, however, believes that the noise is the common people’s voice that must be heard. “You should not cut out that noise. As an actor, you’re public property because your films demand the audience to pay a price to come into the theatre, or to subscribe to a digital platform. What they think is of paramount importance. So, I don’t want to cut out the noise. It gets very loud at times. But if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
Tuning into what everyone is saying—from fans to trolls—can take a toll on mental health. How does he battle it? “If a [netizen] is being a bit aggressive, fair enough; social media gives everybody a platform to air their opinions. It’s up to you whether you want to listen. I’d love to indulge in discourse. But if they want to be nasty, then you learn to switch off. You can’t let that affect you.”
The year Abhishek Bachchan made his debut with Refugee