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"My career as an actor would have been incomplete": Paresh Rawal on working in 'Shastry Virudh Shastry'

Updated on: 03 January,2024 07:02 AM IST  |  Mumbai

Paresh Rawal shares that how important was 'Shastry Virudh Shastry' was for his career. The film released in cinemas on November 3 2023

Paresh Rawal. Pic/AFP

The film 'Shastry Virudh Shastry' was released in cinemas on November 3. The film has received widespread praise for its depiction of familial relationships. 'Shastry Virudh Shastry,' starred Paresh Rawal, Shiv Panditt, Mimi Chakraborty, Amruta Subhash, Manoj Joshi, and Neena Kulkarni.

Paresh Rawal expressed his happiness over the film. He said in a statement, "I am simply overwhelmed and touched; by such a wonderful film, that you have given me. I can only say that I love you and I pray to God to grant you a very long life." He also expressed gratitude to the directors of 'Shastry Virudh Shastry,' Shiboprosad Mukherjee for giving him this film.

"My career as an actor would have been thoroughly incomplete if I wouldn't have done this film. What a tender film you have made dada! Am thankful that such a subject was handled by someone like you because of the way you go about it, it's so heart-touching. Dada, I love you very much...thank you for your film."

The movie revolves around seven-year-old Momoji, who is caught in a tangled web of emotions, divided between his parents and his beloved grandparents.

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