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Hemsworth admits that 'Thor: Love and Thunder' was silly

Updated on: 08 June,2023 07:44 AM IST  |  Washington
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Chris Hemsworth, who plays the Norse god of thunder has come out saying that Thor: Love and Thunder was a bit “too silly”. “I think we just had too much fun. It just became too silly. It’s always hard being in the centre of it and having any real perspective”

Hemsworth admits that 'Thor: Love and Thunder' was silly

Chris Hemsworth in the movie 'Thor Love and Thunder'

While the fourth installment in Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) Thor movies, 'Thor: Love and Thunder' was a commercial hit grossing over $760 million at the box office, it has been heavily criticized. Many criticized its overreliance on childish humour, bad VFX, Thor’s portrayal of being overly stupid, bad writing and in general undercutting much of the movie’s dark moments. 

Chris Hemsworth, who plays the Norse god of thunder has come out saying that Thor: Love and Thunder was a bit “too silly”. “I think we just had too much fun. It just became too silly. It’s always hard being in the centre of it and having any real perspective.”

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