Need to scare the wits out of someone? Hire Inch, a humanoid crow, who is a Missman, a death threat specialist
What: Need to scare the wits out of someone? Hire Inch, a humanoid crow, who is a Missman, a death threat specialist.
Inch searches for Cab Fair in Mumbai after their initial meeting
He works under the patronage of four fathers (also crows, who reside on top of a coconut tree that has been struck by lightening twice) of the underworld. Things change when Inch discovers that there is another Missman in the city, who is better and misses his targets by a centimetre.
Inch is the rotund hero of the graphic novel who is a crow but cannot fly
How: This deathly world of crows of Mumbai has been presented in the form of a graphic novulet by Kshounish Palit. Ask what made him create Inch, a crow with existential and very human problems, and Palit says, “I make TV shows for a living, and there are long phases in my life where I have nothing to do. An empty mind is a devil’s workshop.
The love of his life, Cab Fair, is a high maintenan-ce crow who only travels by cabs
During one such period, I was thinking about hitmen and Mumbai, and thought why not write about missmen. Subconsciously, I just joined the dots.” As for choosing a crow as the hunky (with a belly) protagonist, he tells us that crows are everywhere and not too much has been written about them.
Where: The Missman, Kshounish Palit, self published, Rs 350. For a copy, email [email protected], log on to