13AD perform at the 30th edition of Mahindra Independence Rock music festival on Saturday this weekend. Photos Courtesy: Nascimento Pinto
After early performances by Dreadhammer, Motherjane and Signal W, 13AD took over the stage in the most expert fashion. It did not feel like they made a comeback after 28 years
Led by George Peter, they belted out some of their most popular hits from their two albums and their latest single 'Nothing Has Changed', indicating that they are here to stay
If that was an indication of what was to come, then Swarathma & Friends completely stole the show next on the Mahindra stage. They not only played their favourites but also collaborated with Parvaaz to sing duets - a much-needed coming together of some of the best Indian bands. It was not only Parvaaz but also Demonic Ressurection that came next to give Swarathma's music a heavy metal edge
The performances on the night only got better with Girish and the Chronicles coming in next. With lead vocalist Girish Pradhan singing his heart out and the band belting the music, it was a complete treat for rock fans from all over India
Last but not the least, the night ended with Indus Creed playing some of their most popular tunes. The band also brought on stage guitarist Nivedita Ode Linda and drummer Sanidhya Das come on stage and mesmerise the audience with their performances