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Try these traditional healthy beverages to boost immunity

Updated on: 03 July,2021 12:00 AM IST  |  New Delhi

It should also be noted that our bodies do not build up immunity overnight; one needs to balance their food habits and eat healthy, home-cooked meals over a period of time. But you can also incorporate some immunity-boosting drinks to your diet

Try these traditional healthy beverages to boost immunity

The photo is for representational purpose only

Falling sick is not a risk you want to take, especially not now, and it is always better to be safe than regretful. However, it should also be noted that our bodies do not build up immunity overnight; one needs to balance their food habits and eat healthy, home-cooked meals over a period of time. But you can also incorporate some immunity-boosting drinks to your diet. Alphinah Ashinai, Food and Beverage Manager at Vana Dehradun, India, shares healthy immunity boost drinks:


Recipe Type: Decoction

* Preparation Time: 6 minutes

* Serving Time: 7 minutes

* Servings: 2



* 250 ml water

* Black pepper 6-8 nos


* Clove 5 - 6

* Cinnamon bark 1 mm

* Ginger chopped 1 tsp

* Fresh Tulsi leave 6 -- 8 nos

* Licorice (optional)

* Honey (optional)



* Put all the ingredients together except honey and give one boil and in gentle simmer it for another 5-6 minutes and serve.


Mint, lemongrass and white tea concoction

* Recipe Type: Concoction

* Preparation Time: 5 minutes

* Infusion Time: 4 minutes

* Servings: 2



* 1tsp white tea


* 1tsp chop lemongrass


* A sprig of fresh mint leaves


* 250 ml water



* Take 250ml of water boil it in a pan.

* Add white tea and lemongrass in it and steep it for 4 minutes or add all the ingredients and boil it for

2-3 minutes.

* Strain it and serve warm.



* Alleviates fatigue and improves immunity


Orange, papaya agua fresca

* Recipe Type: Mixology

* Preparation Time: 4 minutes

* Servings: 2



* 4 cups peeled, deseeded ripe papaya


* 1½ cups freshly squeezed orange juice


* ½ cup freshly squeezed lime juice


* 1½ cups water


* 2 tablespoons honey (optional)


* Orange slice



* Put papaya, orange juice and lime juice in a blender, blend it until smooth.

* Strain mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a pitcher or large glass jar.

* Discard solid parts, add water and stir it, add honey (optional).

* Pour into a glass and serve, garnish with orange.



* Cleanse the digestive system and improves immunity

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