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Test drive: What you need to know about the new eco-friendly cycling option in Mumbai

Updated on: 13 June,2023 08:17 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Devanshi Doshi |

New bicycle stations by BMC and MYBYK across SoBo are initiatives towards an eco-friendlier and a fitter city. We sign up for a test-drive

Test drive: What you need to know about the new eco-friendly cycling option in Mumbai

The writer stops to return the cycle at a hub near Gateway of India after over 3 km of cycling. Pics/Pradeep Dhivar

Right outside the Western Railway headquarters, across Churchgate station is a new installation of a tiny station. At least 20 bicycles are parked here on the kerbside of the wide footpath. The green boards announce the collaboration of BMC and Shark Tank-featured cycle-renting company MYBYK, followed by clear guidelines on how to rent these cycles. We test this inviting initiation at 10 am on a Monday morning. After covering a distance of over 3 km — from the hub at Churchgate, past MG Road, and into the busy stretch of Colaba — we finally decide to park our cycle at the next station, at a spot on Apollo Bunder between Gateway of India and Radio Club. We discover that even though it is the need of the hour, it may not always work for a time-crunched, fashion-forward city.


We download the MYBYK app and find the registration process to be hassle-free and quick. After accepting the app’s request to access our current location, a pop-up suggesting nearby MYBYK hubs to rent cycles from shows up on the app’s home screen. Next, we click on Churchgate and are transferred to another page on the app that lists cycles — both in good and bad conditions available at the station.

It is easy to find a cycle that matches our height. After picking one, we look for the code number displayed on the back of the cycle in the app. To unlock it, we must buy a plan. We go for the quarterly membership fee of Rs 800 (Rs 300 for subscription fee and Rs 500 as security deposit). After the payment is made, we click on ‘unlock cycle’ and voila, our ride for today is set free.

The process of renting the cycle via MYBYK is smooth
The process of renting the cycle via MYBYK is smooth

Location is key

Fort is a favourite spot among cyclists at night-time. Instead of relying on the heavily-charged rented cycles made available by companies that host such events, interested people who don’t own a cycle can avail these for much cheaper rates.

To start this activity that covers key landmarks and tourist attractions in SoBo makes for an apt experiment. The next hubs are at CSMVS, Taj Mahal Hotel, Radio Club and Cuffe Parade. People from across professions, interests and age groups are seen visiting these heritage sites and locations. This could go on to become the next touristy-thing to do around SoBo.

There is a separate tab in the app that records fitnessThere is a separate tab in the app that records fitness

Pedal to the top

Local businesses that rent bicycles around town charge R40-60 per hour. MYBYK, on the other hand, charges R69 for an entire day, making it an obvious choice among those who wish to make use of the vehicle at a considerably cheaper rate. However, paying a deposit of R500, the refund of which may take seven days, might not be affordable for everyone.

We find that a ramp is needed to negotiate the heavy cycle down the footpath
We find that a ramp is needed to negotiate the heavy cycle down the footpath

It’s good until it isn’t

While renting these cycles is a convenient option, they may not be feasible for daily use. The cycles are heavier than your usual ones, thereby consuming more energy as you pedal your way across a city that is currently in shambles, thanks to construction work lining most key roads. Who wants to show up at work or at tourist sites covered in sweat and dust.

A board lists clear details on how to sign up for the service
A board lists clear details on how to sign up for the service

Log on to: MYBYK on App Store or Google Play Store

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