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Maharashtra ATS launches campaign to crack down on illegally staying Bangladeshi nationals, 17 held

Updated on: 25 December,2024 08:33 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Faizan Khan | [email protected]

As part of its campaign, the ATS conducted raids this week in Thane, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, and Nashik based on confidential information and with the support of local police

Maharashtra ATS launches campaign to crack down on illegally staying Bangladeshi nationals, 17 held

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Maharashtra ATS launches campaign to crack down on illegally staying Bangladeshi nationals, 17 held

The Maharashtra ATS has launched a special campaign, with the assistance of local police, to trace and take action against Bangladeshi nationals residing illegally in various parts of Maharashtra.

As part of its campaign, the ATS conducted raids this week in Thane, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, and Nashik based on confidential information and with the support of local police.

The raids focused on identifying Bangladeshi nationals who had entered India illegally. So far, a total of 10 cases have been registered at various police stations.

ATS officials have revealed that 17 Bangladeshi nationals, including 14 men and 3 women, have been arrested in connection with these cases.

During the investigation, it was also discovered that the Bangladeshi nationals had used forged documents to obtain Aadhaar cards and PAN cards.

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