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Headley's 26/11 links confirmed

Updated on: 30 November,2009 07:54 AM IST  | 
Ketan Ranga |

Clues suggest LeT operative did groundwork and carried out recce of terror targets

Headley's 26/11 links confirmed

Clues suggest LeT operative did groundwork and carried out recce of terror targets

It's almost certain that David Headley (49) was involved in planning the 26/11 terror attacks last year.

Though the National Investigation Agency is still probing the American national's role, vital clues have confirmed he provided logistical support to the terrorists.

India visits

According to sources, "Headley had visited and carried out a recce at all spots that the terrorists attacked. It has also been confirmed that he visited the Taj and Nariman House."

Headley had even pretended to be a Jew once. Said an official onu00a0 condition of anonymity, "Headley was in the country for almost two years and left immediately before the terror strikes.

There are vital clues establishing Headley's links to all the places that were attacked."

The police though are not willing to speak, as the investigations are not yet over.

However, the police have information that Headley met some people, who carry out their business through water routes, at pubs and bars.

"There are clues about Headley travelling by sea and carrying out a recce," said another official. The terrorists had hired a vessel and entered Mumbai via the sea.

Did you know?
David Coleman Headley changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006.

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