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Maha Oppn objects to no discussion on Guv's address

Updated on: 17 March,2009 03:09 PM IST  | 

Opposition members of Maharashtra Legislative Council on Tuesday objected to their not being allowed to discuss Governor SC Jamir's address to the joint session of the state Legislature.

Maha Oppn objects to no discussion on Guv's address

Opposition members of Maharashtra Legislative Council on Tuesday objected to their not being allowed to discuss Governor SC Jamir's address to the joint session of the state Legislature.

PWP MLC Jayant Patil said "The Election Commission had approved the speech and as such there should have been no problem in discussing it."

Echoing Patil's statement, Shiv Sena leader Diwakar Raote alleged that the Governor's speech was actually the Congress-NCP government's poll agenda. He sought a discussion on the speech.

In his reply, Leader of the House and deputy Chief Minister Chhagan Bhujbal said no one should question the Governor's Constitutional right to deliver the speech.

Chairman Shivajirao Deshmukh said the Commission had given its nod for the speech and it was also cleared by the House business advisory committee.

Deshmukh assured the house that a discussion on the speech would be held in the next session of the Legislature.

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