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Mumbai: Monsoon preparatory works in full swing on Western Railway

Updated on: 14 May,2016 03:53 PM IST  | 

The Western Railway has undertaken preparatory works to ensure smooth running of suburban local trains during the ensuing monsoons, a senior railway officer said

Mumbai: Monsoon preparatory works in full swing on Western Railway

The Western Railway has undertaken preparatory works to ensure smooth running of suburban local trains during the ensuing monsoons, a senior railway officer said.

These preparations are being done to ensure uninterrupted services during the rains. The works include cleaning of culverts, desilting of side drains, installations of pumps, special maintenance of infrastructure etc, he said. WR has also zeroed in on flood prone areas causing inconvienience to daily commuters during the showers.

"We have identified and analysed the flood prone areas. On the basis of this analysis, more attention will be paid to certain sections which could be flood prone such as near Marine Lines and in some places in Charni Road-Grant Road, Mumbai Central, Elphinstone Road, Dadar, Matunga Rd-Mahim, Bandra-Khar, Andheri-Jogeshwari and Nalasopara-Virar sections.

A statement issued by WR, has also forwarded the time table showing the dates of high tides of more than 4.5 meters during monsoon 2016 and said this will help in taking necessary precautions when required.

Giving the details of special pre-monsoon action, the statement added that the lifting of tracks in low line areas such as Elphinstone Road in both Down and Up direction, Matunga Road Down direction and Bandra Up and Down direction where water logging had been observed in 2015, has been taken care of.

"Desilting and cleaning of all 43 culverts is being done. Funds have been provided by the BMC and the work will be completed in three phases. The first phase will be completed before the onset of monsoon up to 30th May, 2016 followed by second and third round after necessary inspections and based on the requirement," said the statement.

It also said that some major culverts will be cleaned by the BMC which include Mithi River, Dharavi Nallah, Poisar Nallah, etc. Joint inspections are also being carried out by Railway and BMC officers and engineers.

WR will install about 80 diesel pumps at vulnerable low lying locations such as Marine Lines, Mumbai Central, Dadar, Matunga Road, Mahim, Bandra, Andheri, Borivali, Nalasopara, Virar etc, reads the statement adding that WR has also undertaken the work of desilting of side drains which will be completed before monsoon arrives.

"Not only this, special attention is being given to the maintenance of OHEs (Over head Equipment). It includes cleaning of insulators, checking of protective screens on FOB/ROB, protection of catenary wires and earthing," said the officer.

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