As a part of its ongoing anti-piracy drive, UTV Motion Pictures conducted raids in Maharashtra and Haryana with the police and seized around 60,000 CDs and DVDs of movies like Kaminey and Agyaat.
As a part of its ongoing anti-piracy drive, UTV Motion Pictures conducted raids in Maharashtra and Haryana with the police and seized around 60,000 CDs and DVDs of movies like Kaminey and Agyaat.
Prakash Nathan, vice-president, operations, UTV Motion Pictures, said, "We have been working round-the-clock to stop piracy."
Some street vendors who stocked over 4,500 CDs and DVDs have been arrested and their stock impounded.
The ICRA (Indian Cinema Rights Association), a body comprising UTV Motion Pictures, Big Pictures, Motion Pictures Association, Moser Baer and Yash Raj Films, has been formed, keeping in mind that piracy is a major concern.