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Lok Sabha Electons 2024: Jalgaon District Election Office develops India's first poll certification exam

Updated on: 23 April,2024 04:52 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Rajendra B. Aklekar |

21,990 officials have been awarded certificate by Jalgaon election office

Lok Sabha Electons 2024: Jalgaon District Election Office develops India's first poll certification exam

The course prepares officials to carry out smooth and error-free elections. Representation pic

India's first election certification exam prepares officials to face the biggest event of one of the world's biggest democracies. Mistakes and errors about election-related procedures and formalities reported in newspapers are a part of the syllabus, while mock voting drills and practice scenarios are the practicals, followed by sessions, tutorials and viva. The exams with application-based questions are of 270 marks. And the result is a 'Certificate of Proficiency’ awarded to those who clear the exam by the District Election Office, Jalgaon.

“The course prepares officials for conducting ‘error-free’ elections. Training follows the international pedagogic methods. It has brought confidence in officials and it will help us conduct error-free elections,” Ayush Prasad, Jalgaon collector and district election officer, and the brain behind the project told mid-day.
“The seven-part Election Official Proficiency Programme (EOPP) includes lectures, tutorials, a doubt-clearing session, practical demonstrations, mock drills, viva and exams and certification,” Prasad said.

“We discuss case studies of mistakes and errors reported in newspapers so that people can avoid them. Certification is granted to those scoring 70 per cent or above, recognising them as proficient election officials of Jalgaon District,” he added.

Keeping score

Total employees deployed 21,990
Appeared 19,843
Question paper 270 marks
Passing score required 70%

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