The weather department has predicted moderate rain with possibility of heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places in city and its suburbs. Occasional winds at a speed of 50 to 60 km per hour are also very likely
A high tide of about 4.72 meters was expected to hit Mumbai at 2.11 pm on Wednesday, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said
The civic body also said that a low tide of about 1.12 meters was expected at 8.20 pm on Wednesday
Meanwhile, the IMD on Wednesday afternoon, while sharing Maharashtra rains update, issued an orange alert for Mumbai and Thane. A red alert was issued for Palghar district
The IMD stated that heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places were very likely in Mumbai and Thane
According to the IMD's weather bulletin, "Heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places with extremely heavy rainfall at isolated places were very likely in Palghar"