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Can't stand office? Join the chair-breakers

Updated on: 17 September,2009 06:48 AM IST  | 
Kumar Saurav |

Sick and tired of your workplace? Join a Morcha against insane professionalism

Can't stand office? Join the chair-breakers

Sick and tired of your workplace? Join a Morcha against insane professionalism

If the slump is feeding you fewer peanuts at work, the clients have turned into PMSing girlfriends, and the boss still doesn't stop barking "Get me the business, I don't care," it's time for that much needed catharsis.u00a0 A city-based campaign is all geared up to facilitate it.

If work's worship, turn atheist
A fat pay cheque is an illusion of happiness. Had that not been the case, highly paid professional wouldn't have left their cabins for potato farming or NGO work. It's this reality that drives project Offisial Attyachar. The campaign aims to spread awareness about work-life balance, convince corporate citizens to bring about a behavioral change of integrating health through de-stressers like exercising, 'me-time' and short-duration travel breaks into corporate lifestyles. Just to spread the word, there's also some cool maal to sport, which can be bought off their website.

Break chairs, not the self
At the Offisial Outburst, an office setting would be created for protestors of workload to demolish. Plus, you'll get to meet people who have succeeded in finding a cure against workload by taking out time for hobbies like biking, singing and theatre. Morchas against insane professionalism will be taken out, too. This apart, on-ground activity like interactive discussions around work-life balance will be conducted at the corporate parks. If you're too busy to attend the event, you can download the Offisial Atyachaar anthem, wallpapers, screensavers and ringtones to be part of the deal. "Currently, the Outburst event has been planned only planned in Delhi.

However, members have asked us to re-create the event. We might therefore take the on-ground movement to Mumbai, Bangalore and Pune in Phase II," says Mohit Gupta, chief marketing officer of the organising agency.u00a0

Offisial Outburst
When: September 18, 7.30 pm
Venue: Epicentre, Apparel House, Sec 44, Gurgaon
For more information, visit:

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