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No proxy voting for Indian IPL players

Updated on: 24 March,2009 10:36 AM IST  | 
Bipin Dani |

No proxy voting for Indian IPL players

No proxy voting for Indian IPL players

Bipin Dani
IF the Dhonis and Tendulkars insist on exercising their voting rights on election days (if no matches are scheduled on those dates) during the forthcoming Indian Premier League matches which are to be played outside India now,either their franchisee owners or the BCCI will have to bear their extra costs of travelling."I cannot take away their (players') voting rights. But eligible citizens of India will have to remain physically present at polling booths on the day of election to exercise their franchise,"
Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami said from New Delhi.
This clearly means proxy is not allowed in this case. "Proxy voting can be allowed only to those who are on election duty on that particular day, soldiers guarding India's front and
IFS officials." Though the BCCI has decided to host the IPL abroad, permission from the government will be required. "All overseas tours are sanctioned by the Indian government," a BCCI official said. The writer is a freelancer

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